Concerning the sawing, we producing framework, that means beams and planks depend of the client’ demanding. Sawing wood can go to 10 meters for the lenght and for the sections 450 mm and more.

Wood is choose in advance in the yard by François Feillet. He looks order that he has to produce during the week to know which logs has to go to the parc à grumes. Haulier bring them.
Then, the driver lopping forklift doing a second selection and send wood to the saw.

Logs go into a peeler and are sawing according to clients order.

To finish, they prepare packs and after load it on trucks by forklift driver.

We can propose you other assistance when we cut the wood :
Square cutting wood

Four side planned wood

Notch wood

Feather Edge & Waney Edge

Oak Sleepers (on left) & Beech Sleepers (on right)